Friday, 18 November 2011

Why your new gadget will disappoint you - in India...

GQ India has an interesting and rather depressing article that you must read before buy that Kindle Fire or iPhone 4S... READ IT HERE

This lady's found the Fountain of Youth !


Papa Abdullah trying to help the Baby Abdullah !

PM trying to appease the Army Chief ! Nope not a fairy tale, true in Pakistan !

Hiring Process @ Google - And you thought our SSBs were tough !

This is a large Infographic so click and open it to read it through.

Chances of Life on Jupiter's Moon Europa !!!!

Europa, Jupiter's icy moon, meets not one but two of the critical requirements for life, scientists say. For decades, experts have known about the moon's vast underground ocean — a possible home for living organisms — and now a study shows that the ocean regularly receives influxes of the energy required for life via chaotic processes near the moon's surface. READ MORE HERE

Sunday, 13 November 2011

A fauji in news again for all the wrong reasons !

Like to hide your SD card like a spy ?

Nice isnt' it ? Read more here

Days of Angle Iron Pickets over ?

Dear fauji brethren, As we all remember our days of tent-pitching starting from the Academy, and the deserts, the snow-bound areas and more.... Well those efforts of pitching those $#%$!! pickets while grunting and groaning are things of the past. Check out the Toughstake™ Sand Stakes for Tents which utilizes new and innovative patented technology for anchoring Tents in Sand. The Toughstake™ Sand Stake for Tents is designed to handle large wind loads normally found in desert and beach areas. Historically, tents are staked in the sand only to have the wind continually work the stakes free from the ground. This usually results to your tent blowing away to never be found again. All current Sand Stakes for Tents work in the exact same manner. The guy lines of the tent or rainfly are attached to the top of the stake. Over time, and with little force, the wind will work the Sand Stake out of the sand. READ MORE HERE Seems our tps in deserts and hi-alti deserve more than the #^%#^%#^ LAIPs !! What say ?

What if I told you these were USB pen drives ?

Well THEY ARE ! Stunning arent they ? To find out more..go here.