Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Even for me, sitting a few continents away from the US, it is plain to see that Romney has been shifting his positions of all domestic and international issues, JUST to suit the listener ! Closed audience (remember 47% !!), Debates, election rally speeches, news interviews, radio interviews....etc.

It just seems baffling why the electorate is not able to spot the guises Romney has in his arsenal to keep changing to suit the occasions and he is not even accountable ! I mean, what you say ata fund-raiser, you HAVE been caught saying that 47%-ers are a burden. So either he lied to the rich donors or to the Nation.....ASK HIM ! An apology just wont do !

Sigh....thus it would be nice to read an exhaustive list of all his flip-flops...

READ THEM HERE http://thinkprogress.org/security/2012/10/22/1054581/a-comprehensive-timeline-of-mitt-romneys-foreign-policy-positions-during-the-campaign/?mobile=nc

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