Sunday 18 August 2013

India vs China – What if India declares war on China

India vs China – What if India declares war on China

India vs China Army

What if China declares war on India or it happens to be the other way around (Highly unlikely) , is India strong enough to strike back ?
April 15 marked the event of China’s People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) intrusion and setting up of temporary tents on the Indian territory. This acts as a signal of the reluctance of China to claim the resourceful Indian land. There is nothing new about this territory dispute, but their setting up of temporary fortification on the Indian land is a clear sign that China is not ready to give up this time. The government hasn’t yet responded to this in the required manner and is attempting to negotiate with China.
Back in 1962 India lost war to China over the same issue , the non demarcated boundary has then since been a matter of conflict. The Chinese army has since been intervening regularly but this has now gone far beyond the limit.
Now that China signals for a possible war, let us analyze what does this have to mean and what do the number and stats say about comparison between the military strengths of the two countries.
Let’s start off with a few lesser known facts :
  1. India is the world’s largest importer of military goods.
  2. India has joined the Nuclear Power’s elite club which previously included USA, China, France and Russia with the development of ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile) AGNI-V.
  3. India is one of the few countries operating an Aircraft carrier.
Aircraft Countries India
Countries that Operate Aircraft Carriers Blue (Currently Operating) Light Blue (Once Operated)

Land Military Power – India vs China

Comparison (2013)

INDIA Indian Flag

CHINA Chinese Flag

Armored Fighting Vehicles2,29318,700
Self-Propelled Gun3302,500
Towed Artillery Pieces6,58525,000
Rocket Projectors2922,600
Portable AT Weapons51,80031,250
Logistical Vehicles70,00075,850

 India vs China Air Force

Air Force – India vs China

Comparison (2013)

INDIA Indian Flag

CHINA Chinese Flag


India vs China Navy

Navy – India vs China

Comparison (2013)

INDIA Indian Flag

CHINA Chinese Flag

Coastal Craft31322
Mine Warfare852
Amphibious Assault16228

India vs China vs Pakistan Army

Military Expenditure of India and China

Comparison (2013)

INDIA Indian Flag

CHINA Chinese Flag

Defense Budget Allotment$46.2 Billion Rs. 2.513 Lakh Crore$129.2 Billion
External Debt$287 Billion Rs. 15.6 Lakh Crore$656 Billion
Reserves of Foreign Exchange and Gold$297 Billion$3236 Billion
Purchasing Power Parity$4515 Billion$11440 Billion
India falls far behind China in every comparison criterion, it is no rocket science to predict the consequences of a war between the two nuclear powers. The 1962 event may repeat itself with India losing again, but does that have to mean that India should stay quiet and overlook the activities of China ?

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