Saturday 24 August 2013

Just a question.....

Why hide a rapist's face ?

on Apr 22, 2013 , 12:28 pm
Why hide a rapist's face?
Whenever a rapist is caught, his face is covered. The rapist of a 5-yr-old girl does not deserve any kind of sympathy. I am shocked as why was his face covered. Rapists should be brought out in the open so that the world can see his cruel face and take a lesson. Then only there would be a sense of fear amongst the offenders or culprits. Hiding behind a piece of cloth doesn’t bring any shame to them. 

There are many who serve their few years of imprisonment and manage to live life happily later without any shame. They know that the world does not recognize them and hence they can get away with anything. I strongly feel we should bring their faces infront of everyone. Build a fear, let people recognize their faces to ward off any such future gruesome attacks on women. Do you feel the same?

Ameeta Parsuram · 139 like this
April 21 at 1:18pm · 
  • Why hide Rapist's face??...ask Activists
    Why indeed...Why not keep it in the open so that 'possible future targets' of this animal are aware of 'Who to avoid'...So that it can be a deterrent thought in the mind of the rapist that yes people are going to know 'who did it...
    No...he doesn't deserve this degree of 'privacy'....for he didnt respect the privacy of his targets....
    DONT HIDE RAPIST'S FACE....Is shakhs ko sharm kaisi??
    • Parveen KaurSimran Kaur and Brij Mohan like this.
    • Ameeta Parsuram a Psychologist...I do recognize that many of the rapists need serious professional help....and if the need be thats where the state shd help them by providing Psychological services.....but to hide the face??what sort of help is that?
    • Itisha Nagar Yes. And why not make their names public, like get their names in a sex offenders list? Why are juvenile rapists given the protection of anonymity?


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