Saturday 3 August 2013

Planetary Structural Layer Cakes !!

Planetary Structural Layer Cakes Designed by Cakecrumbs

Planetary Structural Layer Cakes Designed by Cakecrumbs planets Jupiter food Earth cooking cake
Planetary Structural Layer Cakes Designed by Cakecrumbs planets Jupiter food Earth cooking cake
Planetary Structural Layer Cakes Designed by Cakecrumbs planets Jupiter food Earth cooking cake
Planetary Structural Layer Cakes Designed by Cakecrumbs planets Jupiter food Earth cooking cake
Self-taught chef Rhiannon over at Cakecrumbs has been working on a fun series of planetary cakes that are designed to be scientifically accurate with different types of cake representing various layers within Earth and Jupiter. For her Jupiter Cake the center is the theoretical rock/ice core (mudcake), followed by a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen (almond butter), and finally the liquid molecular hydrogen (colored vanilla). She layered her Earth Cake similarly and finished it off with some absurdly detailed continent design made with marshmallow fondant.
Due to high demand she just posted an extremely detailed tutorial including a video that explains how to make spherical concentric layer cakes. Which is now a thing. That I will have at my birthdays now and forever. (via I F’ing Love Science)

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