Sunday 18 August 2013


A very informative


rajee kushwaha
Rajee Kushwaha / Blog / 1 year ago / 
“Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya
Glanirva Bhavathi Bharatha,
Abhyuthanam Adharmaysya
Tadatmanam Srijami Aham’.
Bhagavad Gita (Chapter IV-7)
“Whenever there is decay
of righteousness O! Bharatha
And a rise of unrighteousness
then I manifest Myself!”
          A recent revelation on attempts to bribe the Army chief and his resultant spat with the MOD has brought out a fact that something seriously was wrong within the army and its top brass. It is evident from the fact that a senior retired army officer has been accused of attempting to offer a bribe to the army chief. He was approached because it must have been a practice for sometime. Not withstanding the moral grandstanding of the army men, where not only they but even men in the street, considered them as "Holy Cow", it implies that some rot had set in the armed forces. General VK Singh has called it a CANCER in an interview to an Indian daily,'The Hindu' .  Most veterans see him as a person who might become a martyr in his bid to rid the army of a powerful cartel of arms- dealers. He might lose but he would have done enough damage to the corrupt officers within the armed forces. They would never be comfortable in working for corrupt and dishonest.
         Many reasons are offered on General VK's unprecedented act of openly admitting bribe offer. Whatever his intentions but  he had revealed that rot had set in deep, which forced him to call it a cancer? Ironically, how cynical are the people who criticise him on the grounds that his motives and timings were questionable, while they were not concerned about the cancer that was eating up the Army---the last institute standing straight to defend Indian democracy and border integrity. General VK has also minced no words to hint out that it was the legacy handed over to him. His detractors and critics must wake up to the dangers posed to the nation by the malaise he has exposed with whatever motive. As true Indians FACE THE REALITY or GET READY TO PERISH.
       I intend to explore this cancerous rot in two parts. In Part- I will explain the legacy of the rot and its manifestations alongwith dangerous repercussions to the nation. In Part-2 I will dwell upon how and when it started and where we stand today.
       What better way to explain this danger than seeing it through the eyes of someone from a different field. Here is what, a very very senior retired IAS officer, who knows what is the truth , has to say:-
MG Devasahayam, IAS (Retd)
29 March 2012

The open feud between the Ministry of Defence and the Chief of the Army Staff arose out of the contrived Date of Birth controversy. A corrupt cabal had conspired since 2006 to truncate Gen VK Singh’s tenure by digging out UPSC application form and trashing his School Certificate.

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