Saturday 17 August 2013

The Union Of Hate-Filled Souls

The Union Of Hate-Filled Souls

The ‘Speech V Speech’ combat was the highlight of I-day. It’s a better way for a political combat. You can choose your winner of that combat but I’m sure people were clear on which one inspired hope and which one was defensive. There is something that MMS said that I would like to recall: “… for relations with Pakistan to improve, it is essential that they prevent the use of their territory and territory under their control for any anti-India activity”. This is a regular line contained in many statements from the Congress govt in the last 9 years. Nothing changes. That’s a different topic though. Pakistan is a separate State over which we don’t have control. The real question is: What about those indulging in anti-India activities right here on Indian soil? And there are many of them. They hate some Indians, they hate Hindu culture and they don’t think twice before behaving like traitors even when communicating with foreigners. When a bunch of MPs wrote to Barack Obama pleading not to give a visa to Narendra Modi they were branded #65Traitors on the Social Media. They deserve that tag because you do not take internal matters to a foreign Head of State or any foreigner.

There are have been other instances too when hate-filled Indians have behaved in this fashion. The ones to flaunt it recently are Nidhi Razdan of NDTV and Rajdeep Sardesai, both products of the same Tube-family. Their souls were united in a hate for one person on August 13. This is not a regular marriage, but a holy union of hate. Their souls united in union like a monstrous goat with two heads or a sea-monster with two heads drinking from the fountain of hatred. The two become one in a union of hate blessed by powers behind the scene that fuel their hatred.

Sometime back when a group from Wharton University invited Modi for a lecture to students there were petitions to the university to cancel the event. The university obliged the Commie anti-India activists. This time the invitation came from a higher power source. A group of British MPs (From both the Labour and Conservative parties) invited Modi to address the British Parliament on “The future of modern India”. I have defined what constitutes anti-India to me. Anyone who speaks ill of India or of Indians to foreign powers and bodies is anti-India (Apart from state enemies who want to destroy India or terrorists). The invitation is being championed by MPs Barry Gardiner andStephen Pound. Naturally, the new hate-couple Nidhi and Rajdeep were alarmed and couldn’t wait to spew mindless hatred not just against NaMo but even the British MP Barry Gardiner on August 13. It first started with Nidhi in her crap show LRC. 

Nidhi not only spews mindless hatred against Modi, but even lampoons BarryG for no reason or rhyme. It should have been an honour for any Indian to be invited to address the UK Parliament but such is the mindless hatred that runs through the veins of some media morons that they end up lampooning India and India’s institutions badly. They seem drunk with some kind of anti-India poison. Here are some shocking excerpts from the short interview:

Nidhi refers to Modi as a controversial figure some 5-6 times in 4 minutes, a blot on human rights and badgers BarryG, leaving him hardly any moment to respond. She refers to the 2002 riots and claims there are still legal cases pending against Modi (and even Moral cases?) But what BarryG did manage to say was stunning.


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