Wednesday 28 August 2013

What !! After China & Pak, even Burma is playing with us ?


Myanmar intrudes into Indian territory, sets up camp in Manipur

Arijit SenCNN-IBN | Updated Aug 28, 2013 at 06:00pm IST 

Imphal: The Myanmar Army crossed into the Indian border and set up camps at Haolenphai in Manipur on August 22.
Manipur government has taken a serious review of the Myanmar Army's preparation to construct a temporary army camp at Haolenphai village. A high level committee has been sent to investigate the matter. The camp is located at 3 kms from the police station at the border town of Moreh.
"There are nine boundary pillars which are still not settled between India and Myanmar. So government of India, state govt have been requesting Ministry of External Affairs to take up the matter with the Burmese authorities to do a joint survey so that these nine pillars are also settled. As far as the settlement of the boundary dispute is concerned we can only express our views...ultimately it has to be done by the governments of both the we alone cannot make a settlement," said Suresh Babu, Principal Secretary (Home).
Currently, India and Myanmar share a soft border. It is possible to cross over to Myanmar by foot from the Moreh post. The incident also featured in the Lok Sabha when Manipur MP Thompchong Mena brought it into focus he claimed it was intrusion of sorts which happened near pillar number 76 in the Chandel district.
The state government is in contact with New Delhi regarding the development. Attempts by Indian officials to defuse the crisis have so far been unsuccessful.
At least 30 militant outfits from India have moved their camps to Myanmar and they have also used soft boundary to their advantage. The matter is being looked into by the Indian intelligence.
Large number of political parties in Manipur have opposed fencing of the border by the Myanmar Army as they fear a large chunk of land will be lost to Myanmar.

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