Saturday 19 July 2014

Growing E-Commerce for Retail with Big Data

Growing E-Commerce for Retail with Big Data

E-commerce retailers are using 2014 as a banner year to apply big data benefits to online conversion and sales strategies—and they’re just getting started. Companies leveraging both historical and real-time data will benefit from the visibility this kind of data provides about their customers, thus assisting in new conversions and sales.
To help your business achieve more with big data, consider the following two strategies for providing a more efficient, customized user experience in online retail:

Personalization Brings Big E-Commerce Wins

For starters, consumers often interact with the same online retailer but through different channels including website, email marketing, and social media platforms.
Collecting and analyzing the huge amounts of data that come with so many different marketing touchpoints has huge potential, including processing real-time offers to shoppers based on their personal interactions with the brand, as well as offering special content for shoppers and exclusive promotions.
Businesses that track a user’s data needn’t stop at name, address, and IP address. By creating a personalized user profile of website history, engagement, and conversion activity, online retailers can create informative profiles of their ideal customers and pursue behaviors that promote higher lifetime value.

Dynamic Pricing—A New Route to Revenue

Dynamic pricing is another channel that big data has revolutionized, further personalizing a consumer’s e-commerce experience.
Through this process, an e-commerce platform captures data from the specific user’s multiple touch points and quickly analyzes a number of factors to generate a dynamic, accurate price for an item each time.
Using analytics that take into account up-to-date competitor pricing, past and future sales prices, regional preferences, and customer actions enables online retailers to provide the consumer with a unique, on-point price.
Online experience personalization and dynamic pricing are two of the many ways big data is bringing big change to the e-commerce world, but the possibilities won’t stop there.
The ability to not only trace but analyze individual transactions across the complex landscape of online retail has massive potential—another way big data analytics can make e-commerce companies more efficient and more profitable.
Try TIBCO Spotfire to get a handle on your big data and gain insights about your customers to execute more targeted promotions and campaigns.

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