Thursday 3 July 2014


Newslaundry has an amazing app that tracks Media Journalists and their leanings...makes a great read !

In their own words, this is how they do it...

 We will be stalking journalists' Twitter timelines and bringing you a qualitative analysis to reveal their slants and biases. This is how - Twitter profiles are being religiously stalked and the last 500 tweets (counting back from the end of March) analysed. Each tweet is assigned a category such as pro-Cong/ anti-Cong, Pro-BJP/ Anti-BJP, Pro-AAP/ Anti-AAP, self-congratulatory - see I'm so smart/sweet/fair etc, non-political tweets - see what I ate for breakfast types etc (see infographic for details of categories). However, not all journalists have 500 tweets. For these laggards on social media, we have examined whatever little they've tweeted. Newslaundry does not vouch for surgical accuracy in the results of this exercise. This only reflects how your mind works based on what you put on Twitter (and that's fairly accurate if you ask us). There's more to follow. "You are what you eat" is so 1900s. Today, it's You Are What You Tweet. Have fun.

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