Sunday 13 September 2015

The InfoSecond, Sept. 7–11: A World without Breaches, Deception and More!

What better way to start the week than with a rundown on the biggest information security stories impacting your business and you? My thoughts exactly.
In this week’s entry, we’re exploring a world without breaches, taking notice of a rise in malicious email attacks, examining how security policies may create more harm than good, looking at deception as a defensive tactic for organizations, revisiting the Ashley Madison hack, and addressing the myth of one hour forensics in the latest episode ofthe InfoSecond!

In Case You Missed It

No Data Breach Detected: Did you hear about that catastrophic data breach thatdidn’t happen last night? Even though it seems like fantasy with all the major breaches dominating the news today, it’s possible with the right security solutions. Watch our all-new ad (which you might’ve seen during The U.S. Open) and see how IBM Security can keep your organization out of the headlines.
Malicious Email Attachments: Don’t call it a comeback; they’ve been here for years. Literally. Malicious email attachments are on the rise again, thanks in part to new spearfishing tactics that are targeting more easily and believably.
Is Your Security Policy Creating Problems? Security policies aren’t the end all, be all for organizations. Without compliance and enforcement, they provide nothing more than a false sense of security. Here’s how organizations can develop security policies with the controls necessary to keep them ahead of the pack.
Deception Tools for Defense: Cybercriminals often use deception to target individuals and organizations during a cyberattack. Can the same thing be done to flip the script? According to a new report from Gartner on the topic, yes, it most certainly can, and 10% of organizations are expected to deploy technologies like this by 2018.
Ashley Madison Lawsuits: The Ashley Madison hack is staying in the news this week as the first 3 individuals have filed suit against GoDaddy and Amazon for hosting the stolen data, as well as the websites that are making it accessible. Expect much more on this story as it continues to develop.
The One Hour Forensics Myth: Unlike what we see on the television, there’s no one hour story arc behind cyberattacks. In reality, the process of detection, escalation, containment, recovery, and post-mortem can last for days, weeks, or even more!

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